Son pocos cada mes, pero no nos quejamos más. Tenemos Call of Duty Ghosts retrocompatible desde esta semana y no viene solo. Pues la lista crece con más juegos que harán las delicias de quien ya los tenga comprados o los encuentre por ahí de saldo.

Tenemos CoD, Assassin’s Creed y hasta un increíble mata-mata de naves que no puede faltar en cualquier colección, sobre todo, si te perdiste alguna de sus versiones en su máquina de lanzamiento… ¿Sabes a cuál nos referimos de la lista?
Más juegos retro con Call of Duty Ghosts retrocompatible
- Call of Duty: Ghosts
- Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood
- Wolf of the Battlefield: Commando 3
- Radiant Silvergun
- Blazing Angels: Squadrons of WWII
- Cyber Troopers Virtual-On OT
Nos encanta ver cómo crece la lista de retrocompatibilidad con Xbox 360 por la mañana. Ojalá pase lo mismo con la primera Xbox y veamos algunos de esos títulos, como Blinx, que solo salieron en la primera consola de la saga.
- 3D Ultra Minigolf Activision
- A Kingdom for Keflings Microsoft Studios
- A World of Keflings Microsoft Studios
- Aegis Wing Xbox LIVE Arcade
- Age of Booty Capcom
- Alan Wake Microsoft
- Alan Wake’s American Nightmare Microsoft Studios
- Alaskan Adventures Activision
- Alice: Madness Returns Electronic Arts
- Alien Hominid HD Microsoft Studios
- Altered Beast SEGA
- Anomaly Warzone Earth Microsoft Studios
- Aqua Xbox LIVE Arcade
- ARKANOID Live! TAITO Corporation
- Army of Two Electronic Arts
- Assassin’s Creed Ubisoft
- Assassin’s Creed II Ubisoft
- Assassin’s Creed III Ubisoft
- Assassin’s Creed Revelations Ubisoft
- Assassin’s Creed Rogue Ubisoft
- Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood Ubisoft
- Assault Heroes 2 Activision
- Asteroids & Deluxe Atari
- Astropop Microsoft Studios
- Babel Rising (not avail in Xbox 360 store) Ubisoft
- Band of Bugs Microsoft Studios
- Banjo-Kazooie Microsoft Studios
- Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts Microsoft Studios
- Banjo-Tooie Microsoft Studios
- BattleBlock Theater Microsoft Studios
- Battlefield 3 (Disc Only) Electronic Arts
- Battlefield: Bad Co. 2 Electronic Arts
- Battlestations: Midway Square Enix
- Bayonetta Sega
- Beat’n Groovy Konami
- Bejeweled 2 Microsoft Studios
- Bejeweled 3 PopCap Games
- Bellator: MMA Onslaught 345 Games
- Beyond Good & Evil HD Ubisoft
- Bionic Commando Rearmed 2 CAPCOM
- BioShock 2K Games
- BioShock 2 2K Games
- BioShock Infinite 2K Games
- Blazing Angels (available on disc or if previously purchased) Ubisoft
- Blood Knights Kalypso Media
- Blood of the Werewolf Midnight City
- Bloodforge Microsoft Studios
- BloodRayne: Betrayal Majesco Entertainment
- Blue Dragon Microsoft Studios
- Bomberman Battlefest Hudson Entertainment
- Boom Boom Rocket Electronic Arts
- Borderlands 2K Games
- Borderlands 2 2K Games
- Bound by Flame Focus Home Interactive
- Braid Microsoft Studios
- Brain Challenge Microsoft Studios
- Bullet Soul 5pb.
- Bullet Soul -Infinite Burst- 5pb.
- Bully Scholarship Ed. Rockstar Games
- Burnout Paradise Electronic Arts
- Cabela’s Dangerous Hunts 2013 Activision
- Cabela’s Hunting Expeditions Activision
- Cabela’s Survival: SoK Activision
- Call of Duty 2 Activision
- Call of Duty 3 Activision
- Call of Duty: Black Ops Activision
- Call of Duty: Black Ops II Activision
- Call of Duty: Ghosts Activision
- Call of Duty: World at War Activision
- Call of Juarez Gunslinger Ubisoft
- Carcassonne Microsoft Studios
- Cars 2: The Video Game Disney Interactive Studios
- Castle Crashers Microsoft Studios
- Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse SEGA
- CastleStorm Microsoft Studios
- Castlevania: Symphony of the Night Konami
- Catherine Atlus
- Centipede & Millipede Atari
- CLANNAD (Only available in Japan) VisualArts
- Comic Jumper Microsoft Studios
- Comix Zone SEGA
- Commanders: Attack Activision
- Condemned: Criminal Origins Sega
- Contra Konami
- Counter-Strike: GO Valve Corporation
- Crazy Taxi Sega
- Crystal Quest Microsoft Studios
- Cyber Troopers Virtual On Oratorio Tangram Sega
- Dark Souls Bandai Namco
- Dark Void Capcom
- Darksiders THQ
- Darksiders II THQ
- de Blob 2 THQ Inc.
- Dead Rising 2: Case West Capcom
- Dead Rising 2: Case Zero Capcom
- Dead Space Electronic Arts
- Dead Space 2 Electronic Arts
- Dead Space 3 Electronic Arts
- Dead Space Ignition Electronic Arts
- Deadliest Warrior: Legends 345 Games / Spike Games
- Deathspank T.O.V. Electronic Arts
- Defense Grid: The Awakening Microsoft Studios
- Deus Ex: Human Revolution – Director’s Cut Square Enix
- DIG DUG Bandai Namco
- DiRT 3 Codemasters
- DiRT Showdown Codemasters
- Discs of Tron Disney Interactive Studios
- Domino Master Microsoft Studios
- Doom Bethesda Softworks
- DOOM 3 BFG Edition (only available on disc) Bethesda Softworks
- Doom II Bethesda Softworks
- Doritos Crash Course Microsoft Studios
- Double Dragon Neon Majesco Entertainment
- Dragon Age: Origins Electronic Arts
- Dragon’s Lair Microsoft Studios
- DuckTales: Remastered Capcom
- Duke Nukem Manhattan Project Gearbox Software
- Dungeon Siege III Square Enix
- Dungeons & Dragons: Chronicles of Mystara Capcom
- E4 Microsoft Studios
- Earthworm Jim HD Microsoft Studios
- Eat Lead D3 Publisher
- EnclevermentExperiment Microsoft Studios
- Escape Dead Island Deep Silver
- Fable II Microsoft Studios
- Fable III Microsoft Game Studios
- Faery: Legends of Avalon Focus Home Interactive
- Fallout 3 Bethesda Softworks
- Fallout: New Vegas Bethesda Softworks
- Far Cry 3 Ubisoft
- Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon Ubisoft
- Feeding Frenzy Microsoft Studios
- Feeding Frenzy 2: Shipwreck Showdown PopCap Games
- Final Fight: Double Impact Capcom
- Flashback Ubisoft
- FLOCK! Capcom
- Forza Horizon Turn 10 Studios / Microsoft Studios
- Foul Play Sold Out Sales & Marketing Ltd.
- Fret Nice TECMO
- Frogger Konami
- Frogger 2 Konami
- FunTown Mahjong Microsoft Studios
- Galaga Namco Bandai
- Galaga Legions Bandai Namco
- Galaga Legions DX Microsoft Studios
- Garou: Mark of the Wolves SNK PLAYMORE
- Gatling Gears Intergrow Inc.
- Gears of War Microsoft Studios
- Gears of War 2 Microsoft Studios
- Gears of War 3 Microsoft Studios
- Gears of War: Judgment Microsoft Studios
- Geometry Wars 3: Dimensions Evolved Sierra
- Geometry Wars Evolved Microsoft Studios
- Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved 2 Activision
- Ghostbusters Atari
- Ghostbusters: Sanctum of Slime Atari
- Gin Rummy Activision
- Go! Go! Break Steady Microsoft Studios
- Golden Axe Sega
- Golf: Tee It Up! Activision
- GRID 2 Codemasters
- Gripshift Microsoft Studios
- GTA IV Rockstar Games
- Guardian Heroes Sega
- Gunstar Heroes Sega
- Guwange CAVE
- Gyromancer Square Enix
- HALF-MINUTE HERO -Super Mega Neo Climax- Microsoft Studios
- Halo Wars Microsoft
- Halo: Reach Microsoft Game Studios
- Halo: Spartan Assault Microsoft Studios
- Hard Corps: Uprising Konami
- Hardwood Backgammon Microsoft Studios
- Hardwood Hearts Microsoft Studios
- Hardwood Spades Microsoft Studios
- Harms Way Microsoft Studios
- Haunted House Atari
- Heavy Weapon Microsoft Studios
- Hexic 2 Microsoft Studios
- Hexic HD Microsoft Studios
- Hitman: Absolution Square Enix
- Hitman: Sniper Challenge (only available as a pre-order bonus) Square Enix
- Hydro Thunder Microsoft Studios
- I Am Alive Ubisoft
- Ikaruga Microsoft Studios
- ilomilo Xbox Live Arcade
- Injustice: Gods Among Us (+ disc only Ultimate Edition) WB Games, Inc.
- Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet Microsoft Studios
- Interpol Microsoft Studios
- Iron Brigade Microsoft Studios
- Jeremy McGrath’s Offroad D3Publisher
- Jet Set Radio Sega
- Jetpac Refuelled Microsoft Studios
- Joe Danger 2: The Movie Microsoft Studios
- Joe Danger Special Edition Microsoft Studios
- Joust Xbox Live Arcade
- Joy Ride Turbo Microsoft Studios
- JUJU Nordic Games
- Jurassic Park: The Game Telltale Inc.
- Just Cause 2 Square Enix
- Kameo: Elements of Power Microsoft Studios
- Kane & Lynch 2 Square Enix Ltd
- Killer Is Dead XSEED Games
- Lazy Raiders Microsoft Studios
- Left 4 Dead Electronic Arts
- Left 4 Dead 2 Electronic Arts
- LEGO Batman Warner Bros. Interactive
- LEGO Indiana Jones LucasArts
- LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean: The Video Game Disney Interactive Studios
- LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga Disney Interactive Studios
- LIMBO Microsoft Studios
- Lode Runner Microsoft Studios
- Lost Odyssey Microsoft
- LUMINES LIVE! Microsoft Studios
- Luxor 2 Microsoft Studios
- Mad Tracks Microsoft Studios
- Madballs Babo: Invasion Microsoft Studios
- Magic 2012 Microsoft Studios
- Mars: War Logs Focus Home Interactive
- Mass Effect Microsoft Studios
- Mass Effect 2 (disc only) Electronic Arts
- Mass Effect 3 (disc only) Electronic Arts
- Matt Hazard: BBB D3 Publisher of America
- Meet the Robinsons Disney Interactive Studios
- MEGA MAN 10 Capcom
- MEGA MAN 9 Capcom
- Metal Slug 3 SNK PLAYMORE
- Midway Arcade Origins Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment
- Might & Magic Clash of Heroes Ubisoft
- Military Madness Hudson Entertainment
- Mirror’s Edge Electronic Arts
- Missile Command Atari
- MOH Airborne Electronic Arts
- Monaco: What’s Yours is Mine Majesco Entertainment
- Monday Night Combat Microsoft Studios
- Monkey Island 2: Special Edition Disney Interactive Studios
- Monkey Island: Special Edition Disney Interactive Studios
- Moon Diver Square Enix
- Motocross Madness Microsoft Studios
- Mr. DRILLER Online Bandai Namco
- PAC-MAN BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Inc.
- Ms. Splosion Man Microsoft Studios
- Mutant Blobs Attack!!! Midnight City
- Mutant Storm Empire Microsoft Studios
- MX vs. ATV Reflex THQ
- N+ Microsoft Studios
- NBA JAM: On Fire Edition Electronic Arts
- NEW RALLY-X Bandai Namco
- NiGHTS into dreams… Sega
- NIN2-JUMP Cave
- Oblivion Bethesda Softworks
- Of Orcs and Men (not available in all regions) Focus Home Interactive
- OFP: Red River (disc only, except Japan) Codemasters
- Omega Five Hudson Entertainment
- Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising Codemasters
- Outland Ubisoft
- PAC-MAN Bandai Namco
- PAC-MAN MUSEUM Bandai Namco
- Pac-Man: Championship Edition Bandai Namco
- Pac-Man: Championship Edition DX+ Bandai Namco
- Peggle PopCap Games, Inc.
- Perfect Dark Microsoft Studios
- Perfect Dark Zero Microsoft Studios
- Phantasy Star II Sega
- Phantom Breaker: Battle Grounds Mages.
- Pinball FX Microsoft Studios
- Planets Under Attack TopWare Interactive AG
- Plants vs. Zombies PopCap
- Portal 2 Electronic Arts
- Portal: Still Alive Microsoft Studios
- Prince of Persia Ubisoft
- Pure (disc only) Disney
- Putty Squad System 3 Software Ltd
- Puzzle Quest Xbox Live Arcade
- Puzzle Quest 2 D3
- Puzzle Quest Galactrix D3
- Puzzlegeddon Tecmo
- QIX++ TAITO Corporation
- R-Type Dimensions Microsoft Studios
- Radiant Silvergun Microsoft Studios
- RAGE Bethesda Softworks
- Raskulls Microsoft Studios
- Rayman 3 HD Ubisoft
- Rayman Legends Ubisoft
- Rayman Origins Ubisoft
- Red Dead Redemption Rockstar Games
- Red Faction: Battlegrounds THQ
- RoboBlitz Microsoft Studios
- Rocket Knight Konami
- Runner2 Aksys Games
- Sacred 3 Deep Silver
- Sacred Citadel Deep Silver
- Saints Row IV Deep Silver
- Sam & Max Save the World Microsoft Studios
- Sam & Max Beyond Time & Space Microsoft Studios
- Samurai Shodown II SNK Playmore
- Scarygirl Square Enix
- Scrap Metal Microsoft Studios
- SEGA Bass Fishing Sega
- Sega Vintage Collection: Alex Kidd & Co. Sega
- Sega Vintage Collection: Golden Axe Sega
- Sega Vintage Collection: Monster World Sega
- Sega Vintage Collection: Streets of Rage Sega
- Shadow Assault/Tenchu From Software
- Shadow Complex Microsoft Studios
- Shadowrun Microsoft
- Shadows of the Damned Electronic Arts
- Shank 2 Electronic Arts
- Shinobi SEGA
- Shotest Shogi Microsoft
- Shred Nebula Microsoft Studios
- Sid Meier’s Civilization Revolution 2K Games
- Silent Hill: Downpour Konami
- Skate 3 Electronic Arts
- Skullgirls MarvelousAQL
- Skydive TopWare Interactive AG
- Small Arms Microsoft Studios
- Soltrio Solitaire Microsoft Studios
- Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed SEGA
- Sonic & Knuckles Sega
- SONIC 4 Episode II SEGA
- Sonic CD Sega
- Sonic the Fighters SEGA
- Sonic The Hedgehog Sega
- Sonic The Hedgehog 2 Sega
- Sonic The Hedgehog 3 Sega
- Soul Calibur II HD Bandai Namco
- Soulcalibur Namco
- South Park: The Stick of Truth Ubisoft
- Space Ark Microsoft
- Space Giraffe Microsoft Studios
- Space Invaders Infinity Gene Square Enix
- Spelunky Microsoft Studios
- Splosion Man Microsoft Studios
- SSX EA Sports
- Stacking THQ
- Star Wars: The Force Unleashed Disney Interactive Studios
- Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II Disney Interactive Studios
- STEINS;GATE 比翼恋理のだーりん 5pb.
- STEINS;GATE 線形拘束のフェノグラム (disc only) 5pb.
- STEINS;GATE(オリジナル版) 5pb.
- Strania G.rev
- Stuntman: Ignition THQ
- Super Meat Boy Microsoft Studios
- Supreme Commander 2 Square Enix
- Syberia Bandai Namco
- TEKKEN 6 Bandai Namco
- Tekken Tag Tournament 2 Bandai Namco
- Texas Hold ‘Em Gearbox Software
- The Cave SEGA
- The King of Fighters 2002 Unlimited Match SNK Playmore Corporation
- The King of Fighters ’98 Ultimate Match SNK Playmore
- The Maw Microsoft Studios
- The Orange Box Electronic Arts
- The Splatters Microsoft Studios
- The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings CD Projekt Red
- Ticket to Ride Microsoft Studios
- TimeShift Vivendi
- Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Vegas Ubisoft
- Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Vegas 2 Ubisoft
- Torchlight Microsoft Studios
- Tour de France 2009 Focus Home Interactive
- Tour de France 2011 (not available in all regions) Focus Home Interactive
- Tower Bloxx Deluxe Microsoft Studios
- Toy Soldiers Microsoft Studios
- Toy Soldiers: Cold War Microsoft Studios
- Toy Story 3 Disney Interactive Studios
- Trials HD Microsoft Studios
- Triggerheart Exelica Microsoft Studios
- Trine 2 Atlus USA
- Tron: Evolution Disney Interactive Studios
- Ugly Americans: Apocalypsegeddon 345 Games / Comedy Central
- Unbound Saga Activision
- Virtua Fighter 5 Final Showdown Sega
- Viva Piñata Microsoft Studios
- Viva Piñata: Trouble In Paradise Microsoft Studios
- Wolf of the Battlefield: Commando 3 Capcom
- Wolfenstein 3D Bethesda Softworks
- Word Puzzle Microsoft Studios
- XCOM: Enemy Unknown 2K Games
- XCOM: Enemy Within 2K
- Zuma Microsoft Studios
- Zuma’s Revenge! PopCap Games